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To the Teachers Who Got Me Here


In the midst of a global epidemic, teachers have come to the forelight. Many people are starting to support teachers in these trying times, as they work endlessly to educate our growing youth in unconventional conditions. But, working diligently is not something new to teachers. The teaching profession has been working laboriously for YEARS and usually they are the unsung heroes that never get the recognition they deserve. So, this is for them. The teachers that have shaped many young lives as children turn into adults.

Thank you.

Thank you for nourishing me when I needed it, pushing me when my learning was becoming stagnant, and committing your life to build future generations.


Thank you for spending countless hours away from your family working on lesson plans to optimize my learning.


Thank you for being a cheerleader when I needed encouragement and having more faith in my ability than I often had in myself.


Thank you for listening to me on my bad days and being a safe place to go.


Thank you for letting me fail but being there to help me get back up and see the lesson I needed to learn.


Thank you for being there to celebrate all accomplishments, even when they were small.


Thank you for being a kind face and always having a smile to share.


Thank you for spending hours reading books, taking classes, and watching videos continuing your education to make mine pristine.


Thank you for putting up with me when I no longer could see why I needed to learn the material you were presenting.


Thank you for telling me when my behavior wasn’t acceptable and helping me fix it.


Thank you for coming to my extracurriculars and supporting me OUTSIDE of the classroom.


Thank you for being innovative and making learning fun.


Thank you for altering lessons when I wasn’t understanding the material and taking the time to reiterate ideas until it is said in a way I can process.


Thank you for preparing me for a life outside of attending school. Whether that was the alphabet and how to tie a shoe in the early years or how to fill out a job application in the later years and every life ability learned in between.


Thank you for committing your life to educate when your salary doesn’t compensate your work.


Thank you for making personal sacrifices to better MY education; whether that be financial, familial, recreational, ect.


Thank you for teaching me to chase my dreams, even if I didn’t realize it at the time.


Thank you for continuing to encourage me, even after I have grown older and left your classroom.


Most importantly, thank you for contributing to the cloth that makes me and the thousands of students you have taught into the people we are today.


If it weren’t for teachers our world would be a disaster. Teachers go into their profession knowing they will never be rich and they will spend countless hours behind the scenes that no one knows about. They know it will be hard, but they choose to do it anyway. They better our society and shape our future. They rarely get the thank you they deserve, but they all have made a huge impact on every student that steps foot into their classroom. I would like to personally say thank you to every educator I have had or will have. Take the time today to reach out and thank the unsung heroes that have changed your life.





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