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5 Steps to Organize Your Life

Summer is quickly coming to an end and that means Fall is right around the corner. Fall often signifies our already hectic lives are about to get a lot busier! So to reduce the chaos and stress, now is the time to organize your life. Here are 5 simple steps to help you get organized quickly and without breaking the bank!

                  Assess The Situation

The main goal of organizing is to give everything a home, so you know exactly where everything is! Get started by deciding what needs to be organized. Assess these areas and throw away anything that you don’t use. Then come up with an idea of how you want to organize things. This will prevent you from buying organization items that don’t work and end up cluttering your life even more.


I’m a binaholic! They give everything a home, make it easy to organize quickly and hide a mess at the same time. Bins keep items in the same genre together, so you no longer have to search high and low for that tape you use once a month. Go through and categorize your items, then make a list of the kinds of bins you will need. Don’t forget to take measurements, so everything will fit how you want!

Bins are great, but what about all of the small stuff that goes in them? Getting small baskets that fit within the bins makes it even more organized! I love to have smaller baskets in my bins for batteries, electrical cords, bathroom supplies, kitchen supplies, desk, ect. Really, I use the baskets in bins system for every aspect of my life! Sub-organizing your larger categories will make finding things a breeze when you’re hustling through your busy day!

Advise: Dollar Tree has great stackable bins for $1. There is also sooooo many items that you can add a little paint or ribbon to and they'll look like you paid more than $1 for them. Watch for sales at other stores to get matching baskets for the entire house!

4.                Label Maker

Okay, so we have given items a home, but who can remember where they are exactly? The solution is a label maker! I got mine at Walmart for less than $20. I no longer have to scavenge my organizing system for the right bin or drawer, because my labels tell me exactly where it is! This is also great for families. If things are labeled your kids or significant other don't have to shuffle all of your organization around to find what they need. Plus, you can tell them exactly where to look to make every situation fast and effective.

5.                         Planner

A planner is a must in a busy life! There are so many options out there that something is made to fit your needs! You can use the calendar on your phone, Google Calendar, or a good old paper planner. Planners make it easy to look at your day, week, or month at a glance and come up with a mental plan for your day. I look schedule my days by the hour at the beginning of the week. Then I look at my planner at night, so I know exactly what I will be doing the next day when I wake up. No more running late or forgetting appointments! It is all written down! Using a virtual calendar is a great way to get notifications of events and not have to pay a dime to be organized.

Have Fun

Organizing should be fun! There are so many DIYs for cute organization in every aspect of your home and life. Be creative with how you organize and have fun with the process. To keep it fun tackle one area of your life and then move onto the next, so you don't get overwhelmed and stop organizing. Keep in mind that organization is meant to be functional, so it is okay to change things around until your life is organized in a way that everything runs smoothly!

These 5 organization tips can be applied anywhere in life. Organizing every aspect of your life makes the flow of your day go as smoothly as possible. Now is the time to spend the last few weeks of summer organizing and getting prepared for all of your busy days ahead!




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