In the last year, I have been on a journey in all aspects.
This has led to many lessons, but I believe the most important was learning how
to reframe situations in my mind. I was good at thinking I was being “realistic”.
Even if that was true, I was seeing things in a glass half empty manner. This
thought process sent my anxiety over the edge and caused so much mental stress.
Finally, I had a great friend tell me that I needed to stop seeing things in “black
and white”
and start seeing things in a “grey scale”. Basically, she wanted me
to open my mind up to see the details I had blocked from being obvious to my eye. This small mental reframing made all the difference. While
still being realistic, I could see so many other paths that contributed to the
picture of my life and my anxiety diminished.
Now, reframing your thought process is not something that
can be done with a snap. There is no magic genie there to do it for you. It takes
being in an active mental state. It is being conscious of your thoughts and
correcting them as soon as a “black and white” thought is made. There is no
time frame that it takes to change these thoughts. It could be days, weeks,
months. But I assure you that it is the best feeling when you start to notice
your thoughts changing. It is liberating.
Anxiety and the unknown are something that affects everyone.
We have the choice of how we see our fears and confront them. We have a choice
of how we see the details of our situation. Choose to reframe your thoughts in
a way that makes the photo have more details to contribute to the 1000-word
picture. Being in the middle of a global pandemic causes anxiety for many. There
are so many answers that aren’t given and hard times are upon us all. My
challenge for you is to make a conscious effort to reframe negative thoughts or
anxiety driving thoughts. If that means reframing aspects of this pandemic in
your mind, then do it. You have the ability to change the 1000-word paragraph.
The 1000 words do not have to overtake your mind. Reshoot that picture. Put up
a new frame. Gain new perspective. Make a change.
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